Wednesday, January 7, 2009


i don't know if its the dirt or the bumpy roads, but i get the weirdest dreams in mexico.

sadly, i don't remember the best ones, but i do remember that they were rather disturbing (think x rated).

anyways, after a meal of mushy top ramen "ohohoho nasty", i do remember some of a dream.

i was escaping from miami to los angeles. me and about fifty other people were herded onto a bus in the middle of the night. then we got dropped off at a gas station in texas, or something. fifty bucks, and 49 people ran off into the night. at any rate, i got on a dinky boat and was floated out to what was not california, but mexico city. with no passport. so while somehow i could get in, there's no way out.

then i woke up.

also, i miss love. it was great. now it's gone. now all i want to do is fall forever....

AHHHHHHHH! Cut my wrists! Wear black eyeliner! I'm emo again!


Cree said...

Lol I didn't know you were capable of love.

Elizabeth said...

Also..that has got to be the first time I've ever seen someone 1) blog about their weird dream and 2) attribute it to dirt.