Wednesday, April 29, 2009


been looking up colleges. pensacola sounded fun. now it sounds Orwellian. until i can find three outside sources saying its perfectly fine, i'm not going. the college refuses to be accredited too, because somehow accreditation goes "against our philosophy".

no t-shirts or jeans (NOO!!!)


no going to beaches with any sort of surf (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!)

and for the weird stuff:

no pets, not even pet rocks (subject to debate)

no movie theaters (what the...)

no borrowing

no touching people of the opposite sex. oh right. because std's go through the skin. right. right.

oh, and PCC makes Christians look bad. real bad.


Ignoratus said...

not to mention:

No walking outside the dorms with wet hair...
(just in case someone sees you, and thinks you were taking a shower, and has bad thoughts...)
(I dont' know what happens when it rains.. :-P)

They have separate stairways (and in some cases sidewalks) for the different sexes...

Girls can't eat bananas without first cutting them in thirds...go figure... or better, don't, you'll be holier :-P

Cree said...

Oh gosh...that's even worse than freakin Bob Jones university.

Ignoratus said...

oh, and I think it was the pensacolans who invented "eye kissing" too... :-P peeve...