Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 7

If you don't know already, I've set a goal to write 200 quality words, for 21 days.
Although it appears that a day was missed, in reality I still wrote my quota, because there was no internet in the car to post it.

I cannot imagine how people function when they function differently from me. I am right handed. Seeing left handed people write messes with my head. Watching left handed pitchers throw is even stranger. But people who use the wrong hand are just the beginning of stranger people who function differently.
I can’t imagine being a much taller person than I currently am. It would frighten me. I would be too far off the ground. There’s a kid who’s only in 7th grade and he’s seven feet. Although I could probably do all sorts of awesome things, I can’t imagine being able to do those things
I also cannot imagine being gay. That is just far too weird for my tastes. Actually, let’s not go there.
I cannot imagine life when work is substituted for school. School is sadly all I’ve known. While I’ve had a few jobs here and there, they were not all I did.
I cannot imagine missing a bodily extremity. How would my balance be different? How could I hug people? Would typing still be possible?
I suppose, then, I’m happiest when I’m me. I cannot be anything different unless something drastic happens, but until then, I am who I am. Which is not God.

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